15 September 2024

We are looking for a Slitting & Rewinding service provider company in th...

We have papers ROLLS for Slitting & Rewinding...... We are looking for a Company who makes slitting rewinding jobs work in the UAE COME on talk about this job work........ +821066791588 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com hashtag#jobwork hashtag#slittingjobwork hashtag#rollsrewindingjobwork hashtag#paperrollrewindingmachine

10 September 2024

Paper Core

Paper Core Use in Paper industry Rewinding industry Regular Supply +821066791588 gwtgmarket@gmail.com www.gbworldtradecoltd.com #papercore #papercore #paperironcore #ironsidecapcore #kraftpapercore

Hot Stamping Foil

Hot Stamping Foil Use for: Plastic & Wooden +821066791588 #gbwtrade #hotstampingfoil #plasticfoil #stamping #furniturefoil https://www.facebook.com/share/p/G6tqdKQfunYmqSHX/

South Korea Export Market

Nowadays Paper market and overall markets going very slow......? Are you feeling so like......? Yes, here South Korean paper market going slow because freight Rates are very high. so if freight going higher then recycling and cheap materials exports go down. what is your position in your market...? We are a trading company and stock hold and loading un.loading export and import services here in South Korea. our main field is related to PAPER PLASTIC FABRICS AND TEXTILE. We are ready for entry in Chemical field. if any company like to join marketing with us in the chemical field then welcome. offer us then we can start marketing with them in this field. hope everything going well and hope our world will pece with good health. best of luck GB WORLD TRADE www.gbworldtradecoltd.com #paper #plastic #stocklot #koreanstock

28 July 2024

آپ نامیاتی کاشتکاری کے لیے فارم کیسے تیار کرتے ہیں؟ ?How do you prepare a farm for organic farmining

Question: ----------- آپ نامیاتی کاشتکاری کے لیے فارم کیسے تیار کرتے ہیں؟ How do you prepare a farm for organic farming? Answer: ---------- نامیاتی کاشتکاری کے لیے فارم کی تیاری میں کئی اہم اقدامات شامل ہیں تاکہ یہ یقینی بنایا جا سکے کہ زمین اور طریقہ کار نامیاتی معیارات پر پورا اترتے ہیں۔ نامیاتی کاشتکاری میں آپ کی مدد کرنے کے لیے یہاں ایک جامع گائیڈ ہے: 1. نامیاتی معیارات اور سرٹیفیکیشن کے تقاضوں کو سمجھیں۔ تحقیق کے ضوابط: اپنے ملک میں سرٹیفیکیشن باڈی کے ذریعہ طے کردہ نامیاتی معیارات سے اپنے آپ کو واقف کرو (مثلاً، USDA امریکہ میں، یوروپ میں EU Organic)۔ سرٹیفیکیشن باڈیز: سرٹیفیکیشن باڈی کا انتخاب کریں اور دستاویزات، معائنہ اور فیس کے لیے ان کی مخصوص ضروریات کو سمجھیں۔ 2. مٹی کی تیاری منتقلی کی مدت: عام طور پر تین سال کی منتقلی کی مدت کو لاگو کریں، جس کے دوران مٹی کو ممنوعہ مادوں سے پاک ہونا چاہیے۔ مٹی کی جانچ: غذائیت کی سطح، پی ایچ، اور آلودگی کی سطح کا تعین کرنے کے لیے مٹی کے ٹیسٹ کروائیں۔ نامیاتی کاشتکاری صحت مند مٹی پر انحصار کرتی ہے، اس لیے اس کی موجودہ حالت کو سمجھنا بہت ضروری ہے۔ مٹی کی ترامیم: زمین کی زرخیزی کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے نامیاتی سے منظور شدہ مٹی کی ترامیم جیسے کھاد، سبز کھاد، اور نامیاتی کھادوں کا استعمال کریں۔ فصلوں کو ڈھانپیں: مٹی کی ساخت کو بہتر بنانے، نائٹروجن کو ٹھیک کرنے اور جڑی بوٹیوں کو کنٹرول کرنے کے لیے فصلیں لگائیں۔ 3. فصل کا انتخاب اور منصوبہ بندی فصل کی گردش: زمین کی زرخیزی اور کیڑوں پر قابو پانے کے لیے فصل کی گردش کا منصوبہ تیار کریں۔ فصلوں کی مختلف گردشیں کیڑوں کے چکر کو توڑ سکتی ہیں اور بیماریوں کے واقعات کو کم کر سکتی ہیں۔ ساتھی پودے لگانا: پودوں کی نشوونما کو بڑھانے، کیڑوں کو روکنے اور پیداوار کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے ساتھی پودے لگانے کی حکمت عملی استعمال کریں۔ 4. کیڑوں اور گھاس کا انتظام قدرتی کیڑوں کا کنٹرول: مربوط کیڑوں کے انتظام (IPM) تکنیکوں کو نافذ کریں، جیسے حیاتیاتی کنٹرول کے ایجنٹ (فائدہ مند کیڑے)، فیرومون ٹریپس، اور فصل کی گردش۔ جڑی بوٹیوں پر قابو پانے: جڑی بوٹیوں کو کنٹرول کرنے کے لیے مکینیکل طریقے جیسے کھیتی، ملچنگ اور شعلہ ویڈنگ کا استعمال کریں۔ مصنوعی جڑی بوٹی مار ادویات سے پرہیز کریں۔ 5. پانی کا انتظام آبپاشی: پانی کو محفوظ کرنے اور بہاؤ کو کم کرنے کے لیے آبپاشی کے موثر نظام جیسے ڈرپ اریگیشن کا استعمال کریں۔ پانی کا معیار: اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ پانی کے ذرائع ان آلودگیوں سے پاک ہیں جو نامیاتی کاشتکاری میں ممنوع ہیں۔ 6. لائیو سٹاک مینجمنٹ (اگر قابل اطلاق ہو) آرگینک فیڈ: مویشیوں کو 100% نامیاتی فیڈ فراہم کریں۔ چراگاہ کا انتظام: صحت مند مویشیوں کو برقرار رکھنے کے لیے چراگاہوں اور گھومنے والی چرائی تک رسائی کو یقینی بنائیں۔ جانوروں کی بہبود: جانوروں کی فلاح و بہبود کے اعلیٰ معیارات کو نافذ کریں، بشمول مناسب رہائش، غذائیت، اور صحت کی دیکھ بھال نامیاتی سے منظور شدہ علاج کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے۔ 7. ریکارڈ رکھنا دستاویزی: کاشتکاری کے تمام طریقوں، ان پٹ اور آؤٹ پٹس کے تفصیلی ریکارڈ کو برقرار رکھیں۔ اس میں بیج کے ذرائع، پودے لگانے کی تاریخیں، مٹی میں ترمیم، کیڑوں پر قابو پانے کے اقدامات، اور فصل کا ریکارڈ شامل ہے۔ معائنہ کی تیاری: منظم اور تازہ ترین ریکارڈ رکھ کر سرٹیفیکیشن باڈی کی طرف سے باقاعدہ معائنہ کے لیے تیاری کریں۔ 8. سورسنگ ان پٹس نامیاتی بیج اور پودے: ماخذ بیج اور پودے جو تصدیق شدہ نامیاتی ہیں۔ اگر دستیاب نہ ہو تو، غیر علاج شدہ غیر GMO بیج منظوری کے ساتھ استعمال کیے جا سکتے ہیں۔ نامیاتی کھاد اور کیڑے مار ادویات: صرف ان پٹ کا استعمال کریں جو نامیاتی کاشتکاری کے لیے منظور شدہ ہوں۔ سرٹیفیکیشن باڈی کی منظور شدہ مادوں کی فہرست چیک کریں۔ 9. تعلیم اور تربیت مسلسل سیکھنا: ورکشاپس، کورسز، اور دوسرے نامیاتی کسانوں کے ساتھ نیٹ ورکنگ کے ذریعے نامیاتی کاشتکاری کی تکنیکوں، مارکیٹ کے رجحانات، اور نئے ضوابط کے بارے میں آگاہ رہیں۔ ماہرین سے مشورہ کریں: ماہرین زراعت یا کنسلٹنٹس سے مشورہ لیں جو نامیاتی کاشتکاری میں مہارت رکھتے ہوں۔ 10. مارکیٹنگ اور فروخت آرگینک برانڈنگ: ایک ایسا برانڈ تیار کریں جو آپ کی مصنوعات کی نامیاتی نوعیت کو نمایاں کرے۔ براہ راست مارکیٹنگ: براہ راست مارکیٹنگ کے مواقع دریافت کریں جیسے کسانوں کی منڈی، CSA (کمیونٹی سپورٹڈ ایگریکلچر) پروگرام، اور صارفین سے براہ راست جڑنے کے لیے آن لائن فروخت۔ اضافی تحفظات کمیونٹی اور سپورٹ نیٹ ورکس: دیگر نامیاتی کسانوں کے ساتھ تعاون حاصل کرنے اور علم کا اشتراک کرنے کے لیے نامیاتی فارمنگ ایسوسی ایشنز اور نیٹ ورکس میں شامل ہوں۔ حیاتیاتی تنوع: ہیجرو پودے لگا کر، قدرتی رہائش گاہوں کو برقرار رکھ کر، اور جنگلی حیات کی حوصلہ افزائی کرکے فارم پر حیاتیاتی تنوع کو فروغ دیں۔ نامیاتی کاشتکاری کی طرف منتقلی ایک ایسا عمل ہے جس کے لیے محتاط منصوبہ بندی، لگن اور پائیدار طریقوں کے لیے عزم کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ ان اقدامات پر عمل کر کے، آپ کامیابی کے ساتھ اپنے فارم کو نامیاتی سرٹیفیکیشن کے لیے تیار کر سکتے ہیں اور صحت مند ماحول میں اپنا حصہ ڈال سکتے ہیں۔ #organicfarming #prepareorganicfarming #Howprepareorganicfarming

17 October 2023



01 October 2023


早安 與家人一起享受假期。 帶著良好的熱情和健康的身體重新開始工作。 永遠為全人類祈禱。 共贏共贏。 GB世界-柳成國。

가족과 함께 즐거운 휴일 보내세요.

좋은 아침이에요 가족과 함께 즐거운 휴일 보내세요. 좋은 흐름과 건강으로 다시 일을 시작하세요. 항상 인류 전체를 위해 기도하십시오. 함께 승리하세요. GB월드 - 유성국.

15 September 2023

جناب اگر آپ بھی وہی کرتے جو اب تک کرتے رہے ہیں؟

جناب اگر آپ بھی وہی کرتے جو اب تک کرتے رہے ہیں؟ تم اس کے بارے میں کیوں نہیں سوچتے تم نے یہ کیا کیا ہے؟ بوہتو..بینظیر؟ قائد ملت... فاطمہ جناح...؟ کوئی سوال کب آیا، کب کسی نے پوچھا، کوئی کانفرنس کب ہوئی، کب کوئی خبر آئی، کب کسی صحافی نے سوال پوچھا، کسی چینل نے کب بتایا، کب کسی جج نے اس معاملے کو اٹھایا، کب کوئی جرنل بتائیں، اور اگر کوئی کارروائی کی گئی تو….؟ بھائی کیا آپ میرا انتظار کر رہے ہیں کوئی آپ کو بچانے آ رہا ہے؟ تم کب آئے ہو، کس طرح کے لوگوں کو لے کر گئے ہو… تم نے ایسا کب کیا کسی کے سامنے، تم نے اپنا وقت چھین لیا… کوئی تم میں سے وہ غیر معمولی ہے… تم غلام بنے ہو تو اپنی ماں کی عزت کی۔ تم نے اس کی حفاظت کی ہے، تم نے رشوت دی ہے، چوری کی ہے اور اپنے فرض سے ظلم کیا ہے، پھر تم غلام بن گئے ہو…. اللہ کیا کر سکتا ہے جب آپ اپنے آپ کو برا محسوس کریں تو اللہ کو آپ کی حالت بدلنے کی ضرورت ہے، کیا...؟ اللہ نے صاف کہہ دیا ہے کہ اپنے حالات کو سمجھ سے دیکھو ورنہ میں تم سے پوچھوں گا۔ خالی باتوں کی ضرورت نہیں، اللہ نے آپ کو خلیفہ بنایا، کوئی فقیر نہیں۔ کیوں غریب ہو گئے ہو؟ ایمانداری سے سوچو. گور کرو

28 August 2023

Mold Metal Article

Mold Metal Article Steel Tolls Stamping, Molding, Milling, CNC Tools, Injection Molding, Plastic Molding, All Molds Manufacturing Video Link Click: Mold Metal Article Subscribe Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/gbwtrade... Channel Click Subscribe & Click on Bell icon Contact us +821066791588 WhatsAap gwtgmarket@gmail.com Website: www.gbworldtrdecoltd.ocm https://gbtrade.business.site Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kore... Subscribe Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/gbwtrade... Channel Click Subscribe & Click on Bell icon Tiktok: tiktok.com/@gbtrade Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GbWorldTrade... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yusungguk Blogspot: http://gbworldtrade.blogspot.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/gbtrade Google Map: https://g.page/gbtrade Business Guide Line My all videos have possibilities & opportunities of IMPORT & EXPORT for high scale & small industry businesses From South Korea to Pakistan India especially and all over the world for entrepreneurs. Viewers can improve these ideas with their skills and better knowledge. #metal #metal-tolls #metal-mold

26 February 2023

Welcome 2023 Our WEBSITE with new updates.

Welcome 2023 Our WEBSITE: www.gbworldtradecoltd.com with new updates. visit and enjoy with us. Win Win Together GB World Trade Co. Ltd

19 February 2023

Inkjet Media Film

Inkjet Media Film Welcome & Thanks for your supporting.🥰 GB WORLD TRADE CO. LTD✅ Please let us know how we can help you Export Import from 🇰🇷South Korea 🇯🇵Japan🇵🇰Pakistan🇮🇳India🇧🇩Bangladesh 🇮🇹Europe🤝 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com https://lnkd.in/gKg8w_r https://lnkd.in/ggJrRkXg tiktok:gbtrade ........................................... If you don't like or twice time same our Alert SMS. then report us back on same Number. We say Sorry, if we disturb you. Regards GB World Trade Co. Ltd #laminate #inkjet #mediainkjetfilm #inkjetfilm #mediafilm


Bags Welcome & Thanks for your supporting.🥰 GB WORLD TRADE CO. LTD✅ Please let us know how we can help you Export Import from 🇰🇷South Korea 🇯🇵Japan🇵🇰Pakistan🇮🇳India🇧🇩Bangladesh 🇮🇹Europe🤝 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com https://lnkd.in/gKg8w_r https://lnkd.in/ggJrRkXg tiktok:gbtrade ........................................... If you don't like or twice time same our Alert SMS. then report us back on same Number. We say Sorry, if we disturb you. Regards GB World Trade Co. Ltd #LDPEBags #bags #packagingdesign

Hot Laminating Film

Hot Laminating Film Welcome & Thanks for your supporting.🥰 GB WORLD TRADE CO. LTD✅ Please let us know how we can help you Export Import from 🇰🇷South Korea 🇯🇵Japan🇵🇰Pakistan🇮🇳India🇧🇩Bangladesh 🇮🇹Europe🤝 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com https://www.facebook.com/GbWorldTradeColtd https://www.youtube.com/user/gbwtrade?sub_confirmation=1 tiktok:gbtrade ........................................... If you don't like or twice time same our Alert SMS. then report us back on same Number. We say Sorry, if we disturb you. Regards GB World Trade Co. Ltd #hotLaminatingfilm #hotlaminate

06 November 2022

Pakistan Azadi khon mangti ha - South Korea

Aj ki Bat 2022-11-06
اسلم اے علیکم
Ham South Korea maan haan....
Ap ko es ki azadi ki history bta deta hun...
Yahan bhee foji rules ki tarha crupt haqim jan naheen johhd raha tha...

Pher log nekla... School k bacha bachyan.. college and University ki youth baher aai. Foj Tank la kar nikla jesa Turkey maan huwa.. kitna soo log mare pher Korean na nazam ki bhag dod sambhali sdarti nazam aya..tabh sa South Korea 🇰🇷 ka name dunyan maan ezat sa liya jata ha. 

Yah esa free man asani sa naheen huwa.... es maan logon ka khon logon ki hard working emandari sabh sa badi cheez korean bohat ziyada hubul watan log haan. Apna mulk sa bohat ziyada piyar karta haan. Es liya korea bohat saf sothra clean green country ha.. 

Pakistaniyu... Allah ap ka hamiyun naser hu...

#Pakistan #pakistanzindabaad #gbwtrade #srfsachksath #srfhqksath 

05 November 2022

Aj ki Bat 2022-11-05 Azam Sawati

Aj ki Bat 2022-11-05

Azam Sawati
Aj phr dukh huwa yh dak kr.

Koi ru raha tha. Kuch us per hans raha tha.
Wesa es maan itni dukh ki kiya bat...

karba maan bhee  insan hu kar Muslims kahalwana  wala... zulm kar bhee raha tha or yah  jita bhee raha tha ham haq pa haan.

Tabh bhee log dakh raha hun ga... ankhan band kar li hun gi. Darwaza bhee band kar liya hun ga....
Kiya esi ka nam dunya ha......?

Allah kisi ko ehsas na da... warna es ehsas ka dard ko  sahna bhee ek elg  dard ha .. ..

laken har kisi ko mahsos karna mumken nahee.... balkah na mumken ha....

serf duaa hi kar sakta haan... es pakistan ki halat per....

Aaa Allah too sabh dakh raha ha.....

08 September 2022

Daedong Combine Machine

Combine Combines Daedong 6-jo Model: 2018 Working Time: 482 hours, Contact us: +821066791588 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com #combine #ricecombines #harvester #riceharvester #koreancombine #daedongcombine

05 September 2022

Allah safe this Beautiful Word 🤲

Typhoon in Korea. Praying for all humanity. Safe to all over the world that hard situation. Specially Pakistan suffering Floods situation. Allah keep with his Grace to that beautiful world what humans make it a big diasaster by his own ego. 
کوریا میں طوفان۔ تمام انسانیت کے لیے دعا۔ پوری دنیا کے لیے محفوظ ہے کہ مشکل صورتحال۔ خاص طور پر پاکستان سیلاب کی صورتحال سے دوچار ہے۔ اللہ اپنے فضل سے اس خوبصورت دنیا کو آباد رکھے جسے انسان اپنی انا سے بڑی تباہی بنا دیتا ہے۔
#gbwtrade #southkorea 

01 September 2022


PP NET Clean washed in Bales Regular ongoing Supply +821066791588 www.gbworldtradecoltd.com https://www.youtube.com/user/gbwtrade?sub_confirmation=1 #fishnetscrap #fishnetpp #netscrap

02 July 2022

Pet Film Mix Color

PET Film Mix color stock Width: 800mm Thickness: 38 50 70 Quantity: 50ton GB World Trade Co. Ltd www.gbworldtradecoltd.com #gbwtrade #petfilm #petfilmstocklot #stocklot #film

07 February 2022

How much does it cost to start a small paper mill production of 50 TPD?

How much does it cost to start a small paper mill production of 50 TPD? what you're advice about the Box board and Duplex board? https://qr.ae/pGEBua

02 February 2022

آئیے نظامِ انصاف کے اس لاشے پر نوحہ پڑھ کر اسے دفنا دیں۔

کل رات بہت برا ہوا ۔۔۔ میرے گھر میں چور دیوار پھلانگ کر آ گیا۔ میں نے کمرے میں سے جھانک کر دیکھا تو چور دیوار کود کر صحن میں آ چکا تھا۔ میں نے انتظار کیا کہ جیسے ہی وہ کمرے میں داخل ہو گا تو اسے پکڑ لوں گا۔ چور نے گھر کا سامان لوٹنا شروع کر دیا اور میں کمرے میں انتظار کر رہا تھا کہ وہ جیسے ہی دروازے کھولے گا، میں اس پر کمبل ڈال کر اسے پکڑ لوں گا اور پھر ایسے ہی ہواچور سونا اور نقدی لوٹ کر ایک بیگ میں بھر چکا تھا، اب وہ میرے کمرے کی طرف آ رہا تھا، میں اسے دروازے کی اوٹ سے دیکھ رہا تھا۔ وہ جیسے ہی کمرے میں آیا تو تو میں نے پلان کے مطابق اس پر کمبل ڈال کر اسے قابو کر لیا۔ کمبل اوپر سے ڈال کر اسے لاتوں اور مکوں سے بے ہوش کر دیا۔ پھر میں نے سونے اور نقدی کا وہ بیگ چھین لیا۔ اب چور کو ہوش دلایا تو چور بجائے شرمندہ ہونے کے، ایکدم بھڑک کر بولا کہ تم کو کیسے پتہ چلا کہ میں اس کمرے کی طرف آ رہا ہوں اور تم تیار کھڑے تھے ؟
میں نے فخریہ انداز میں بتایا کہ میں دراصل تمہیں چھپ کر دیکھ رہا تھا، تم نے جب صحن میں چھلانگ ماری تھی تو میں تب سے تمہیں واچ کر رہا ہوں۔ یہ سن کر چور ایکدم چونک گیا ۔۔۔ "کیا تم نے میری جاسوسی کی ہے ۔۔۔ تم کو پتہ ہے کہ پاکستان کے آئین کے مطابق کوئی شخص یا ادارہ کسی کی جاسوسی نہیں کر سکتے، یہ تو تم نے صریحاً قانون کی خلاف ورزی کی ہے"کیا بکواس کر رہے ہو ؟ میں چلایا، تم میرے گھر چوری کرنے آئے تو کیا میں تمہیں پکڑوں گا نہیں ؟ یہ سن کر چور نہایت اطمنیان سے بولا کہ بہتر ہو گا کہ تم اپنے وکیل سے فون کر کے پوچھ لو کہ چور کی چوری کو اگر پکڑنا ہو تو آئینی طریقے کو ملحوظِ خاطر رکھنا ہو گا، غیر آئینی طریقے سے چور کی چوری پکڑنا خود میں ایک جرم ہے۔ یہ سن کر میں بھونچکا گیا میرا نقدی اور سونے سے بھرا بیگ کہاں" ۔۔۔ چور بولاکیا وہ بیگ تمہارا ہے ؟ ابے بیشرم انسان، وہ نقدی اور سونا میرا ہے جو تم نے اس گھر سے چرایا ہے۔ میں سخت غصے میں آ گیایہ سن کر چور ہنس پڑا ۔۔۔ اور بولا ۔۔ جب تم نے مجھے پکڑا ہی غیر آئینی اور غیر قانونی طریقے سے ہے تو پھر تم یہ ثابت کیسے کر سکتے ہو کہ میں نے چوری کی ہے، اس لیے جب تک میری چوری ثابت نہیں ہو جاتی ، تب تک یہ سارا مال میرا ہی ہے۔ جسٹس فائز عیسیٰ کیس میں بھی بالکل ایسا ہی ہوا ہے کہ ایک چور نے چوری کی، سارا لوٹا ہوا مال بیوی اور بچوں کے نام رکھا، جب اس کے اثاثے ایف بی آر نے پکڑ لیے تو عدالت میں یہ کہا گیا کہ ایف بی آر نے جن ذرائع سے ہماری معلومات حاصل کی ہیں، وہ ذرائع غیر آئینی ہیں، اور اس ٹیکنیکل بنیاد پر چور ججوں نے اپنے چور جج کی حمایت کی اور اسے اور اس کی بیوی کو بری کر دیا اب چور بھی وہیں ہے، چوری کا مال بھی برامد ہو گیا ہے، چور نے مان بھی لیا کہ یہ سب چوری کا مال ہے، اس کے اثاثوں کی کوئی منی ٹریل نہیں ہے لیکن پھر بھی آپ اسے سزا نہیں دے سکتے کیونکہ آپ نے چور کو "غیر آئینی" طریقے سے پکڑا ہے۔ آئیے نظامِ انصاف کے اس لاشے پر نوحہ پڑھ کر اسے دفنا دیں۔ انا اللہ و انا الیہ راجعون ۔۔۔

01 February 2022

Waqt (TIME)

Waqt (TIME) 

ki Qader karo. Warna waqt ka intizar karta reh jao ga......
Waqt apna kam waqt pa karta ha...... ap janta hu......

Laken ager Waqt pa kam karna wala waqt se pehla tiyari karni shrow kar da to waqat bhee apna joher ap ka haq maan dekhta ha. 

Ager waqt ko us ka hall pa chod do ga to yaqenan woh bhee ap ko ap ka hall pa chood deta ha....

waqt ko socho ga ysa time do ga to woh bhee tera hu ka rehjaya ga..... Waqat ko apna bana ka liya bhee tu waqt chahya... ager waqat ko bhee waqt na mila to kal waqt bhee waqt naheen dega.....

Or ap waqt ko ilzam deta reh jaoo ga or who tojah tanha chood kar ronda huwa aga kisi or ka pass chala jaeya ga or tera pass serf pachtawa ka siwa kuch bhee na reh jaeya ga......

Aj waqt ha aj soch la esa bhee waqt da takah yah toja bhee waqt da... 
Pher tom ek dosra ko waqt do... pher tom dono ek hu jaoo.... or ek sath qadam sa qadam mila kar chalooo... 

Ka sa manzer hu ga jabh waqt mera dost hu ga... who mera intizar kara ga maan us ka..... 

Meri dili duaa ha Allah ap sabh ko waqt ki eta fermaya... kush karna ka liya kuch sochna ka liya... kisi ka fida karna ka liya ... kisi ki umed ka liya....  
Ameen yah Rabulalameen

M.Arfan Ali Siddiqi 

05 January 2022

We are Opening *Plastic Field* Group


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17 October 2021

Pain is a good thing.. What do you say about it...?

Pain is a good thing.. What do you say about it...?

Pain is a good thing physically because that is your preservation self-preservation mechanism

But suffering is something that you do in your mind
So pain that happens in your body
you take it in your mind and multiply it a thousand times or a million times depending on how capable you are and
Suffer it a million times over
right now
Most human beings are like this what happened ten years ago. They can still suffer
What may happen the day after tomorrow they already suffer?
They are not suffering life they think they are suffering like they are not suffering life they are suffering the two most
Fantastic faculties that human beings alone have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of impact theory sponsored by our friends at Skillshare enjoy the episode
Everybody welcome to the impact theory
Today's guest is a mystic and New York Times bestselling author who has built one of the largest nonprofit
organizations in the world
named one of the 50 most influential people in all of India not bad considering the country has
1.3 billion people
He has been invited to speak at some of the most prestigious international conferences on the planet including the world
peace summit the United Nations and the World Economic Forum
His mission is to raise every human being to the peak of their potential and to that aim. He established the Isha Foundation
Which with headquarters in both India and the US has implemented several large-scale humans?
Service projects designed to uplift rural areas help with education reform and environmental stewardship as well as holistic and healthy living
He's also written several
Profoundly transformational books including inner engineering a Yogi's guide to joy and Adi yogi the source of yoga
so please help me in welcoming the contemporary spiritual leader with millions of global followers
the man who has cracked irreverent jokes everywhere from MIT to Google on things both mystical and highly practical the
Uncompromising said, guru
Welcome I am beyond excited to have you on the show
Going and looking at your
What you're trying to accomplish in the world?
is very much in line with what we're trying to do in terms of human potential which I think is super exciting, but we definitely
We go about it in very different ways and reading your book
I was really
impacted and so
Getting to dive deeper into this I think is gonna be a lot of fun and I think the first place to start walk me through what you mean by
Potential like what? What do you think is human potential?
So yeah every Christian
From a worm insect bird plant tree everybody
All of them are trying to be full-fledged lives
If one sees
What's happening beneath the earth in terms of the root systems?
It is an enormous effort
for a plant or a tree to become a
full-fledged tree
Well an apple tree is not trying to be an oak tree
but an apple tree wants to be a full-fledged apple tree that
The effort is on in every life
So is it in human beings?
But the problem with Humanity is just this
That for every other creature
Nature has drawn two lines
Within these two lines, they live and die
So their idea of full-fledge is hitting the ceiling of their life
But if a human being hits a ceiling he gets frustrated and miserable
Nature this process of evolution has delivered to us to a place where there is only the bottom line
There is no top line though. Some human beings are trying to breach the bottom line and go below
That what else is going on
so essentially what human life is is
When life was in the other forms of life that you see on the planet
Nature determined certain compulsive instinctive ways of functioning once you become human These lines have been removed
You can act consciously
That means what you call human potential is not of any kind of measurable limit
It can go as far as you desire or us as far as you have the courage to walk
So when we say human potential unleashing human potential
It is not about reaching the peak
It is a trajectory
Because what our life is
Is it a combination of a certain amount of time and energy?
Time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace
If you sit it rolls away if you sleep it rolls away
If you do something it goes away. If you don't do anything, it goes away. You're happier miserable it goes away
Time is running out for all of us
so it's only the energy that you can
do different things with if you bring your energies to a certain level of intensity and
possibility What somebody does in 10 years, you may do it in one year this means if you live here
400 years it feels like in people's in the impact that you're created. It feels like you lived here for a thousand years
Simply because you have managed your life energies in a certain way
So for me a human being impactful means
How conscious have you become this is very important because if you're in compulsive cycles then your energy gets wasted in so many things if you absorb people
In a day, let's say let's take 24 hours in that. Anyway, most people buy prescriptions in America. They sleep for eight hours
So eight hours means one-third of life is gone in the remaining two-thirds they have to eat they have to you know shower
Bathroom this that all these another two-three hours gone
So literally 50% of life is gone daily basis just for basic maintenance of this life
50% of the time is gone and maintenance
Remaining 50% of what they have
If you look at every single move that they may make with their body their thought process their emotions
You will see a whole lot of it is happening in compulsive cycles
Or in other words, if you are a little sensitive to life, you will realize you are the biggest issue in your life
So this is one thing that I'm trying to do with people that you are never the issue in your life I am NOT the issue my thought my emotion my body is never the issue
My thought my emotion my energy and my body are my instruments. It's a function
They are not impediments in my life
But I would say for 90% of the human beings their own body
Then the compulsions of the body the compulsions of their thought the compulsions of their emotions are ruling them most of the time
So when you yourself for a problem?
Well, you're on self-help
So, how do you begin to break out of that like if we're all stuck in these compulsive patterns?
How do you gain the consciousness that you're talking about and begin to I don't know if the words go beyond elevate
Like how do you stop being in that endless cycle?
Everybody wants a solution, but nobody wants to delve into the problem and see what is the nature of the problem that we have
The nature of the problem is like this
Why are we compulsive? What is it? That's compulsive about us
Compulsion means we are going to the same place again. And again, that means we're going in circles
The nature of physical existence in the universe is such whether you take an atom an individual atom or the cosmic space
Everything that's physical is always in a cyclical moment
The atoms are doing their circles. The solar system is doing its stuff. The galaxies are doing their stuff
Our own bodies are going through cycles. In fact, we are born because of the cycles in our mother's bodies
That's why we are born
So entire physical nature is born out of the cyclical moments. That means compulsiveness. So do not misunderstand
Compulsiveness is something bad. It's the basis of your existence
It is a good platform
But you're supposed to stand on the platform and act
Right. Now you have become the platform. So somebody else will dance on you
Interesting. That's so my thing and part of what drives me is getting
Getting efficient at achieving your goal
Which I'm sure is less their goal for you. So for me,  I am interested in
actually executing on my potential so
Transferring my ability to do something into the actual thing
So the easy example I give people is doing what does impact mean for you leaving a footprint?
Not quite so I have a very specific kind of impact that I'm trying to have which is to help people Actuate their potential so I think that a lot of people
They are capable of extraordinary things and I think that to your point about joy
I think one of the things that's absolutely foundational to joy is growth
And so getting people on a path where they believe it that way. That's
Foundational to joy is foundational to growth, isn't it?
Probably yes, but I don't have any insight as to what came first
Which is exactly why you're here. No, no, there is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show that
Only when you're in a pleasant state of experience your body and your brain works at its best there's no argument about them
There's enough evidence to show that
So whatever impact or success or reaching goals or growth or whatever you say on
One level in the physical world. It's about how well you harness your physiological and your psychological process, isn't it?
Whether your body and mind works against you or works for you. This is a big difference So there is enough evidence to show only when you're in pleasant levels of experience this happens best
So obviously joy is first
then growth if you're joyful constantly and you have no fear of suffering because
you understand all human experience comes from within you and
So you have managed to create the kind of experience that you want now growth is possible and riddled
If you have the fear of falling down and suffering, you will not go very high, isn't it?
So, how do you work through that? How do you help people on that path?
Many ways to look at it. One of the simplest ways to see it is all human experience has a chemical basis to it
Right now let us say you're joyful
If you look at your chemistry, it'll be in a certain way
Let's say you're miserable. If you check your chemistry, it'll be a completely different way
now we have a technology that
With which you create a chemistry of blissfulness
So my chemistry is blissful doesn't matter what's happening
The drama around me is happening in so many different ways but
This is a privilege that I have kept for myself
Me being joyful or miserable
me being peaceful or
These privileges have not been given to anybody else. I kept them to myself
I think every human being should do that that the privileges of the nature of your experience must be in your hand
because when you try to act in the world
There are many many forces
All of them will not always cooperate
Sometimes they cooperate many times
They will not cooperate many times. They'll turn against you. This is the nature of the world. That's how it should be
The world will never happen hundred percent your way. And I'm glad it is so because if it all happened your way, where do I go?
I'm glad it's not happening your way little bit my way little bit your way a little bit. Somebody else's way
That's how the world should be. It's very interesting
Is there a way to avoid it?
Falling into those traps. Like I know that you've taken some
Very different approaches at least from
American set of eyes to raising your daughter and not wanting her not wanting to put a lot of teachings on her is
That to avoid dogma. Is it to avoid closing doors?
because you think you know something like how to do we if we were gonna have kids and raise them in a way that
Stopped them from falling into some of these traps. What would we do?
How many parents were there
And encourage their children not to be identified with parents
Not to be identified with a religion that they follow
Not to be identified with their racial and national and other prejudices that they hope
All thing the things are sacred, isn't it? Yes
These are the things that destroy human potential
whether you want to turn a human being
see I see this term when it
Really hurts me when people say it's very common only in America. I hear this I was raised as
Whatever Catholic or Baptist or a Christian or Muslim or whatever else I was raised
See, you must raise only cattle and sheep
You don't raise human beings. You have to cultivate a human being
you have to give space and give support of love and support so that a human being grows because
Every human being is capable of a unique possibility
Raising means what a flock is what you race you don't raise an individual, isn't it? That's very interesting so for this
We need to come to a certain level of maturity within ourselves
The most fundamental thing is our children need not look like us do not think like us need not act like us
Need not be as in any way a child is not a legacy
It's a life and
It is an individual life
It has to be what it has to be well
if I do not influence right now the fear is if I do not influence somebody on the street will influence the child on the
Social media will influence the child. So to
to cultivate a child so that They know
That the intrinsic intelligence and being human is more important than being influenced by this or that it doesn't matter what it is
Whether it's parentage, or it's a priest or it's a guru or it's a pundit. It doesn't matter who
Influence is not important. What is important is the intrinsic intelligence finding its full potential?
And do you think is we grow up in a modern context?
We can
avoid adopting those
Beliefs you talked about one time. I thought this is so interesting about how every time you get a belief
It's like a conclusion and every conclusion is death unto itself and it's like shutting a door on something. Yes other ways
See you just see
You look at your own picture when you were 5 years of age. It's like this
Slowly it's becoming like this. What is it you're dying in installments
The more conclusions you make the less alive you become this all that's happened to people they call this knowledge
This is not knowledge. These are just conclusions that you're drawing about everything
See with all this scientific
Exploration the fact is that even today we do not know one single atom in its entirety
We know how to use them
we know how to use everything on this planet, but we don't know what damn thing about anything over 90% or
99% of an atom is empty. We don't know what that emptiness
Over 99% of the cosmos is empty. We don't know what that is
So this is like I give you a million pieces. Jigsaw
But you found in your hands you have only three of them
With these three you make a picture and you're euphoric that you made a picture
Well, I'm sorry
There are a million pieces to this
Has anybody gather all the pieces now, then don't take a picture?
You've talked about the only way to really make change is to turn inward
As we look inward turn inward go inward
What are we?
Are we working on awareness consciousness?
like what is the
See right now, what are the instruments of your experience?
You know, you're here only because you can see hear smell
Taste and touch. This is the only way you know that you're here right now
Suppose you doze off don't okay suppose you doze off
You don't know that you're here, isn't it? Yes
Even though you're here your heart is beating everything is functioning
The world is on we are all here
But you won't know that you're here nor will you know that I'm here or anybody else is here, isn't it?
Yes, all that's happened is life is on full-on even within you only thing is these five
Sensory organs have shut down
So your entire experience of life right now is happening because you can see hear smell taste and touch
Just look at the nature of the sensory organs in the very nature of their outward bound, isn't it?
Can you roll your eyeballs inward and scan yourself now?
There is a shall I give you a bad example, sir
Your nose is located now right above your mouth suppose you don't brush your teeth for three days
Though this nose is right here it won't tell you you have not brushed your teeth
The whole room will know you have not brushed your teeth, but you will not know this is the human predicament
It's very easy to see what's wrong with this guy what's wrong with her what's wrong with her
It's very it takes a lot of observation to see what's wrong with this
that level of keenness of observation is missing in most people they need to cultivate that and
So it's tempting to when reading your book and hearing your story. It's tempting to
Say oh this is how he cultivated that whether it's sitting in the tree that was swaying and then doing swaying meditation
Is that actually how you cultivated it or is there something else because somebody watching right now?
they want to be able to begin to access this and
If it's a simple letting go of belief and Dogma or if it's awareness of this
Belief and Dogma are not simple. Mmm
It's not simple people are who they are only because of what they believe and what they have a hell like that
Because without this they don't know where they belong
To live here without belonging to anything but still be involved with everything
Takes a lot
Most people belong but they're not involved
It is like belonging is like an insurance policy. It's simply their
involvement takes you
To be constantly involved with people around you. It takes you to be conscious and on
but I belong to you I
Don't have to do anything. I have professed already. I belong to you. I'm married to you. I belong to you
Legally it is settled
So I don't have to be conscious of you nor do I have to be involved with you still I belong to you
so belonging means
believing or
Identifying simply means you have found a way to sleep through your life. It's called sleep
when we say, you know people usually use this term with
Animals, if you said we put our cat to sleep
What does it mean to you?
For real that they killed their hair. Yes
So I'm talking about sleep in that context. I
Believe this I belong to this. I'm identified with this means it's sleep
That means you're partially dead you made conclusions that takes away the life that bubbles within you
this is why people are walking around like
They're dying in installments
Yeah, so the notion of
not knowing the notion of responsibility are two things that are
Really powerful and can I just connect the two-agent? Yeah
Not knowing is not a notion it's a fact okay
It's not a notion. You really do not know a damn thing about this existence, isn't it? Yes
We don't even know a blade of grass in its entirety. We do not know a single item in its entirety
We do not know a single cell in this body in its complete context. We do not
We know some things we can manipulate a few things, but we don't know much about it. So
It's like this, let's say we turn off all the lights
If the lights are on you can whistle and just walk around wherever you want in this building
We'll turn off all the lights and make it pitch dark where you can't even see your own hand like that
Now every step that you take will you take it in but most alertness?
Will you be fully awake or asleep?
For your wake only awake why because you don't know where the next step
Just to live like this if you simply live like this
Naturally, you are on the highway to enlightenment
Everybody assume and believe because it's comfortable
To simply believe something the very word belief means this
That I have concrete iced assumptions of which I know nothing about
Isn't it? Mm-hmm?
Isn't it so yeah
Either, you know, or you do not know where does the belief comes from?
When you pretend what you do not know as I know
That's belief
But you can't believe something all by yourself
So you need a hundred people around you? That's why always believers are in groups
Seekers are alone
Talk to me about a seeker. What what is the seeker? Is that something useful to cultivate?
You don't have to cultivate this. This is intrinsic to human intelligence if you do not bullshit yourself
With all kinds of things that you do not know as you know
It's intrinsic to human intelligence to seek
Isn't it? Yes, you don't have to teach seeking you have to teach belief systems
You don't have to teach seeking if you don't teach anything
Everybody is a seeker. It is the nature of human intelligence. It naturally seeks
But people want to seek the comfort of belief
They want to be in the belief system and then seek
this is like tying your boat to the pier and then
Rowing hard, it's good. It's not bad because it gives you a good exercise. It's like being on the treadmill
Most people are on the treadmill because they are not walking or running to go somewhere
They just trying to turn their muscles. It's perfectly fine. So
If that's all you wish to do, it's fine
But if you want to go somewhere you can't tie your boat and then row, isn't it?
If you just let it go even if you don't row it will go
What do you tell people about responsibility
It's just your ability to respond. You have to make up your mind. Do you want to retain your ability to respond?
every situation that may arise or may not arise in your life or
Do you want to surrender your ability to respond? This is something everybody should make up their mind on
do you have
Practices to keep yourself so open and so joyful
That's what else
Life is an openness
Death is closing, isn't it?
That is a closure
Life is a possibility if you're just alive everything is open
Tell me can you be alive suppose you don't like me?
So you don't want to inhale what I exhale
Stop breathing and exist for some time. Let me see possible. Yes without breathing for a little while
How is little how much is little for you to hold my breath yeah, I don't know 30 second ten minutes
Definite eminence. So I'm saying if you don't like me your dislike will not go away in 30 seconds, isn't it?
Yeah, for sure suppose. I hate you. I don't want to breathe. Inhale what you exhale? Hmm. I
Will die within me, isn't it? Yes
This is all people are doing to themselves. I like this guy. I don't like that guy
This is somebody I allow that somebody I hate this belongs to me. This doesn't belong to me
They just killing themselves step by step
They are planning to die in inch
If you want to live here you are
You must make up your mind whether you want to live or you want to die
Do you want to know the certainty of death in life?
This is called belief. This is called belonging. This is called identification
Because you are trying to find the certainty of death in the seamless process of life
It's very interesting
When you, I mean you spend a lot of time
Speaking. What do you hope people take away? Is there one core thing that you really want people to be touched by?
Fundamentally if people understand that the source of human experience is within you
Joys are misery agony or ecstasy
pleasure or pain
Everything comes from within you if you understand this much
if I understand
Suppose right now. I think I'm miserable because of you. Hmm. There's no solution for my life, isn't it?
Because all you have to do is walk in front of my home. I will become miserable
So simple it is you don't have to kill me you just have to walk around in front of me
I will die within myself every day
If I understand the source of my joy and misery within me
Then you know, what's the obvious choice?
An obvious choice, isn't it?
So this one fundamental thing has to get across to all the human beings on this planet
Your experience is entirely determined by you
This is what the word karma means. Unfortunately. It's become something else here
Karma means action
that means
When we say your life is your karma. We are saying your life is entirely your making 100%
What happens in the world? There are many many forces involved what happens within me. It's 100 percent me
100 percent, isn't it? Yes if you don't take charge of this
Then you're an accidental life when you're accidental life anxiety is very natural
Naturalistic hmm suppose you are driving
That is you don't know what's happening and you simply somehow going anxiety is natural or not? Yes
Does any accidental moment create anxiety?
So this is why consciousness means that you have taken charge of the instruments of life
Which on the most fundamental level is our physiological and psychological space you have taken charge of this?
Now your health your happiness your joy your ecstasy your misery. Everything is in your hands you
Exercise them as you want
Going back to what you said about focus in your book you talk about something
I thought was so interesting to set the faucet to a certain drip rate and do nothing but
Focus on the dripping of the faucet for like seven minutes or something
What idea is to pay attention to something which has no relevance to you?
say people have
Have divided the universe. This is important. This is not important. This person is important to me
This person is not important to me. This is important for me. That's not important for me
You divided the universe you will never know anything this way
indiscriminate focus
Indiscriminate attention. I'm not attending to you because you are somebody with a cobra in your heart. All right
It doesn't matter who I speak to who I am with and the same way
Only when your attention and involvement is indiscriminate
Does the universe open up to you?
You have discriminated
Naturally, you close, you know people come to me and say Sadhguru. I want to walk the spiritual path. I
Say, okay
Be here for three days
Let's see what we can say no such group day after tomorrow. My uncle's daughter's birthday. I have to go
oh you want to get enlightened and
Day after tomorrow uncle's daughter's birthday also. All right, we got one and a half days
You do one thing you do this and this as a circle, but I don't like this
All right, I give them a small piece of paper
And say okay write down things that you like we'll do only don't do that
You won't believe it in this entire universe. Most people like only three or four things
When you're so constipated in your head
That you like only three or four people are three or four things in your life
How do you want to open up to existence?
Because life is happening because of its openness
This is a fundamental difference between death and life is
People are thinking is just breath
All right on one level that is also openness whether you allow this to happen or you don't allow it to happen
Whether you did it consciously or unconsciously, but it's happening
Isn't it openness is on every subatomic particle is in communication with everything?
That's why this is going on the breath is happening so much is happening in connection with everything. It is only in openness
You're alive as you
Close doors you are dying in installments
Dying in installments is torture
Life is fantastic. If you're alive and fully alive, if you're dead, it's good. At least the neighbors may think so
This may sound very
not so compassionate, but I'm saying
Everybody dies you and me will die. All right
if you die it's the game is over, but if you're half dead, oh
This is endless torture to yourself when you are being tortured, of course, you'll share it with everybody else
Talk to me about your motorcycle accident and having to have your calf served back together, which is without anesthesia
How's that possible? Not that young anymore?
Today I would
But the notion of the difference between pain and suffering I thought was very useful
The pain is physiological it's death. It was no pain. Most people would not even know how to protect themselves
See just because there's no pain in the sea. What all you've done to it
Hmm see there's no pain in this so that's why you took it off if there's no pain in your nose
Maybe you would have taken it off
Because they're many advantages you will take in about 22% extra oxygen if you just remove this one thing contraption
Wherever there is no pain people are messing with it like crazy, isn't it? They call this hairstyle they call it so many things
suppose there was no pain in the entire body in Los Angeles people would pull out their stomach bag and
You think they wouldn't do it not the father one
Only pain is helping them to preserve themselves. Isn't it? The pain is good. There's no physiological pain
Most people would not know I am here in the United States. There's one group they call themselves something. I forget that word
They're actually cutting their fingers off their hands off on the video
Well, they're posting it online
There's a group like that. Whoa. Can you imagine now in spite of so much pain if there is no pain?
Almost everybody would have cut themselves off in so in the name of fashion, they would have cut themselves into ribbons
so pain is a good thing physically because that is your
preservation self-preservation mechanism
But suffering is something that you do in your mind
So pain that happens in your body
You take it in your mind and multiply it a thousand times or a million times depending on how capable you are
or how stupid you are and
Suffer it a million times over
right now
Most human beings are like this what happened ten years ago. They can still suffer
What may happen the day after tomorrow they already suffer?
They are not suffering life they think they are suffering life they are not suffering life they are suffering the two most
Fantastic faculties that human beings alone have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination
why do you think that depression and
Anxiety suicide is so rampant right now
See one thing is
The survival process has become easier than ever before
Believe me in the morning if you need a bucket full of water
If you had to walk a mile to the river to get one bucket of water
And your family needed 25 buckets of water
You would have no time to mess yourself
Now you have a lot of time to mess yourself because our survival is better organized than ever before
Another thing is most human beings do not know how to manage their biochemistry
Without physical activity. I have seen a whole lot of people particularly
Teenage boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who come to me with some severe
Violent problems within themselves if you leave them like that. They may kill themselves or kill somebody else that in that kind of state
many of them have even killed their parents, you know, it just happened all over the world and
In 2017 when I came to know that in India
Which is not so much suicidal in that sense because there's huge family support and stuff like that in spite of that
In 2017 eighteen thousand six hundred children below 18 years of age committed suicide
out of which
7,200 are below 15 years of age
So 12 13 14 year-olds
Who must be bubbling with life or?
Wanting to take their own lives why?
Obviously, we're doing something fundamentally wrong with society, isn't it?
Yes, our goals and our stupid ideas of what is a success is driving them nuts
Because we are trying to use our children like racehorses that are interesting and
when you say that is something that represents us that we've turned into something amazing or
In what way are they like racehorses when you understand them as a race?
If you're in a race what subjective you must reach the finish line quickly, isn't it?
Yes, what is the finish line of your life's death?
There you have it. This may not be a conscious process. But life with the new is understanding it like that
When do you see you must understand this whether you are conscious it of a conscious of it or not any human being?
Right now if you make yourself miserable
You must understand you are sending a message to every cell in the body that I don't want to live
You might not have articulated it in your head yet
But when you become miserable
You notice suddenly your body seems heavy and it's like doesn't want to get up from this chair
Have you seen this? Yes when you're happy, you're willing to bounce it everything and do everything bend backward if necessary
Why this is happening is the message has gone to every cell in the body. This guy wants to die
They're all thinking, okay, what can we do to help him but by then, of course, you'll recover
So you want to die you want to live you want to die you want to live?
The body is getting confused
Because you must understand this is a very intelligent body. It's taking instructions from you
Every cell in the body has an enormous sense of memory and intelligence
If you keep sending wrong messages if they act you did
Because you're sending contradictory messages. You are not dead. You're half dead
You can give it any number of exotic names essentially you have turned your intelligence against yourself
This is supposed to work for you, but now you've turned it against yourself it's working against you
Yeah, I know I'm putting words in your mouth which is very dangerous
but the whole notion of being happy
I feel like you really address how to live fully in your book
inner engineering which I was just really really impacted by if you had to
Define what inner engineering is exactly how would you say it?
Say do you agree with me that our lives today as a generation of people?
Has become far more
comfortable and far more convenient
simply because of our understanding of science and
The exploitation of that knowledge as technology. Yes. Hmm
We are the most comfortable generation ever in the history of humanity. No question about it
Isn't it? Yes, we are super-empowered because of the science and technology as it is a science and technology
For our external well-being, there is a whole science and technology for inner well-being
Unfortunately, most cultures have ignored this and
thinking that if we make all the external arrangements well
Everything will be okay
The United States of America is a huge statement that this is not how it works
The most affluent country on the planet
70% of the population is supposed to be on prescription medication. Yeah Wow
What's the best way for people to interact with you?
They don't have to interact with me because learn from me maybe
We can talk if inspiration is what you need encouragement was what you need. I'm willing to talk
But talks will not bring solutions
They will bring some clarity
The solution will come only when you take a proper inward step. That's what the inner engineering process is
We are doing everything possible to deliver it in as simple and as practical measures as it can be done
There was a time it was thought in such a complex way
Today we have simplified it broken into five different pieces
Offering it as five layers of the program so that people can experience it in small doses and slowly step by step
They can go I am seeing as you come into more and more affluent societies their steps are far more, babe
steps than other people so
We've broken it into many steps so that small steps
You can take one by one and your website is the best place for that. Yes. Okay. It's a good place to go. Perfect
Yessir, dot said guru dot org, that's what it's called. Okay, and we'll link to that as well. Our organization is 100% volunteer organization
So we're not professional in our approach and I'm very proud of that because I am NOT interested
In how much somebody is doing? I am very interested in how they're doing it because that's what changes the quality of who we are
Because the content of our life will not change our life it is the context of our life which changes our life
That's interesting. Very interesting because your content you have changed and you see people are not happy
Content of our life is
Phenomenally enhanced compared to how our grandparents lived here. Isn't it? Even in this country? Yes
Definitely, how can people change their context?
That's what engineering is about if your contact shifts from your psychological and physiological
process to the life process that you are
Everything has changed
Because we must understand this as we sit here this is my body that's your body. This is my mind that's your mind
But there's no such thing as this is my life. And that's your life if this is a living cosmos
Everybody is free to capture as much as they want if you capture
a substantial amount of life
Your very presence will become a significant life
Otherwise, you will become a mediocre life. This is the important thing. It's not the knowledge you gather in your head
It's not the muscle that you gather in your body. It's the life
How much of a life for you?
This will make you sign in your very presence if the world gives us an opportunity
We will do something impactful. Otherwise, we're just a significant presence a
huge oak tree standing outside
It is not trying to create an impact. It is just impactful if you go under its shade you feel it
Otherwise, also it's impactful
Most people notice it only when it's gone
What is the impact that you want to have on the world
When I was twenty-five years of age when suddenly things burst forth within me and I realized if I sit here
without messing myself
Naturally, I'm bursting with ecstasy and every cell in my body drips ecstasy. I
Though initially I'm going off my rocker
Then again and again when I saw over a period of six to eight weeks
When I saw if I just close my eyes, I just burst into ecstatic states
So I clearly realized
If I don't mess with my physiological and psychological process
ecstasy is the only way to be
Nothing to be done. You don't have to do anything when I realized this. I
Sat down and actually planned on that day. The world's population was 5.6 billion people. I
Made a plan in two and a half years time that I will make the world ecstatic
No fool like a young fool, you know
It's been 37 years
Not two and a half years
Well, people say we have touched over 500 million people or so
Don't say whoa. You don't walk my failures
Yeah, I guess this was my idea of humanity seven point six billion, people
500 million people
Time going away. I'm
Condemned to die a failure, but I'm a blissful failure. All right, so
What we need is just this do you want to live in a
A beautiful world means what?
beautiful does not mean just a beautiful view of the ocean or
something else
beautiful means
Human life here is pleasant
Within every human being, the question is not about what I wear what I Drive where I live, but now I am within myself
See what we can do in the world is a question of times in which time of history we exist accordingly we do things
If we were here hundred years ago, we wouldn't be recording all this stuff. All right, we would be doing something different
But human experience is constant
Whichever generation you are you can either be blissed-out or misery
always forever it has been so and it will be so so
What we can do in the world is subject to many realities of the times
But how we can be within ourselves is always a possibility
So what is always a possibility must be manifested whether you will run faster than Mr
Bolt or not whether you will climb Mount Everest or not. This is not the point
those things are subject to individual tastes and individual likes and dislike but
Will your experience of life on this planet be pleasant or not? At least this one thing?
We must determine that every human beings experience of life on this planet is pleasant than much we must do and it's doable
That is incredible
Sokurah thank you so much for being on the show. That was absolutely incredible. Thank you for your time
Guys, I can't recommend his book highly enough. Check it out inner engineering
It's phenomenal if you haven't already been sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary. Take care
Thank you again so much. Wow, that was really
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Look at yourself in 10 15 20 years time and ask yourself the question
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You don't know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are.

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